We ask that you acknowledge our support publicly. It’s important to let the people know about what our funding supports in the community and encourages others to apply for Community Trust South funding.
It’s a good idea to start planning your acknowledgement as soon as you receive a grant. There are a range of ways you can publicly acknowledge our support and we've included some ideas below.
If you need help with how to promote your grant or have any questions about how to use our logo please ring us on 0800 500 185 or email our Marketing and Communications Advisor: courtney.walker@communitytrustsouth.nz
You can acknowledge our funding support at your event through a variety of ways.
Including advertising, programmes, brochures, invitations, presentations and signs.
We have various banners and signs available for use at events. Please ring us on 0800 500 185 or email info@communitytrustsouth.nz to book.
Acknowledging your grant verbally in any speeches and presentations, or when you explain what your project has achieved. If you would like a representative from Community Trust South to publicly speak, acknowledging our partnership we are happy to work with you on this.
Acknowledgement of your grant may be included in media releases that refer to the project. Please contact us if you would like a quote from the trust to be included in the media release.
We have an online presence on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Many projects and organisations we support also have their own website and social media. Sharing news about your grant and acknowledging our funding online is a great way to promote your project and let people know the trust and your organisation are working together. Ideas for acknowledging your grant online may include:
Featuring our logo on your website and linking it to our website.
We love being able to spread the word about your projects and the amazing work you are doing, so make sure you send us good quality photos of your project and we can include them on our online social media pages.
You can include our logo in any form of promotional material and publications including:
If you need help with acknowledgements please ring us on 0800 500 185 and we can help you with ideas.
We have several different options available for use at events, that feature our logo. If you would like to use one of these signs please ring us on 0800 500 185.
This is a good way of acknowledging your grant for the long term. We provide a free perspex plaque, that you can enquire about by emailing info@communitytrustsouth.nz. If you would like the logo to be part of the building or in any other material we are happy to help with this.
Our logo can be placed on your own banners and signs. This could include information boards, exhibition stands, labels and displays.