Starboard Maritime Intelligence & First Table
Invest South continues to support regional businesses by providing enduring capital support that creates substantial and meaningfu…
Rānui House
For over 30 years, the Bone Marrow Cancer Trust has been a beacon of hope and support for thousands of patients and their whānau (…
Lumsden Rescue Helipad
In May 2021, in the heart o f Northern Southland, the community of Lumsden were set to achieve something extraordinary. The Lumsde…
Te Unua Museum of Southland
The development of the region’s new museum Te Unua Museum of Southland marks a transformative milestone for Invercargill City Coun…
Tertiary Education Access for migrant communities
“Steering Your Future” has changed the future of Tertiary Education Access for Māori, Pasifika, and Migrant Communities in Murihik…
Decarbonisation Workshops
Climate change is one of the most significant issues and long-term challenges facing our community. There is a pressing need to re…
Invest South
For over two decades, Invest South’s role as a regional growth investor has been to provide unwavering support to businesses locat…
Danica Kramers
Our sports scholarships celebrate achievement, recognise talent and encourage future participation through positive role models. …
Ready for Living
Older people bring enormous value to the community they live in. This fact is not lost on Gore district, which embraces an age fri…
Oral History Project
Now in its twenty-third year, the Toi Rakiura Arts Trust Oral History Project continues to involve the Rakiura/Stewart Island comm…
Gifted and Talented Programme
The Southern REAP Gifted and Talented Education programme (GATE) is an education initiative that aims to provide special education…
Kōhanga Reo Pilot Programme
A ground-breaking initiative, Tautāwhi, has brought inclusive wellbeing services to Kōhanga Reo. The need for this service was i…
Community Centre Upgrade
“An absolutely stunning building” is how the West Otago Community Centre Chairman Robert Kane describes the West Otago Community C…
Invercargill Central Limited
Only once in a lifetime will most people see the redevelopment of an entire city block. Invercargill Central provides a bright and…
Matariki Light Festival
The excitement was illustrated on the faces of the children racing around with their friends, climbing up and down off the stage a…
Te Anau Waitangi Day 2022
Waitangi Day in Te Anau has become synonymous with a free festival-style event in Lions Park, with family friendly entertainment f…
Deep Cove Education Hostel
A rite of passage for every child in Southland – Deep Cove Camp creates a unique and memorable experience. The Deep Cove Educati…
Otago Rescue Helicopter
There has been a 28% growth in the number of rescue missions completed in the lower South Island last year with 1,703 patients bei…
Te Anau community garden
Sustainability and connectivity are growing in the Fiordland community and that is due to a very special plot of land in the centr…
Mental Wellbeing Navigator
A new Mental Wellbeing Navigator is proving vital in providing clear pathways to mental health services available within the Centr…
Waihopi school park syndicate
“Bumps…BUMPS!” It might have only been one word, but the excitement lit up one student’s face when asked what he was looking forwa…
South Sea Spray Motupōhue - Bluff
“The Bluff community lifted the South Sea Spray project to new heights with their input, investment and aroha.” Pauline Smith – Di…
Lumsden Community Nursery
Reforest Southland is a reforestation trust and community nursery, based in Lumsden, that aims to bring native flora and fauna bac…
Megan Whitehead
On Thursday January 14th 2021, in a woolshed in Croydon, Gore, Megan Whitehead set a new world record in shearing for the Women’s …
Fiordland indoor climbing wall
The Te Anau community is climbing high with its new indoor climbing wall. The climbing wall project has been a long time coming wi…
Mana Moana leadership scholarship
“The course makes you think about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. It’s about being authentic and where are you best to …
Digitization of the hire system
The Southland Locator Beacon Charitable Company formed in 1995 for the specific purpose of establishing an emergency locator beaco…
Investment Highlights
INVEST SOUTH 100% owned by Community Trust South, Invest South is a trusted, independent, and local investor with a 20+ year rec…
Heritage Souths CBD Documentary
Heritage Souths CBD Documentary - The Last Tour takes you on a history tour of our CBD before the new city block construction bega…
Right Track changes people’s lives. This nationally and internationally recognised driver offender rehabilitation programme has be…
Chris Cole
Learning Differences Aotearoa Trust promotes acceptance and understanding of learning differences that affect children and adults,…
Polyfests celebrate cultural diversity, provide a sense of identity and are a catalyst for understanding and acceptance, with Cent…
Southern Reap
Drive My Life – Taraiwa Mataora is a community mentoring driver licencing programme, delivered by Southern REAP, to the vulnerable…
Emma Jones
Emma has a passion for music which is backed by an immense amount of talent. At 18 years old Emma has already built an impressive …
The Stewart Island Promotion Association
New Zealand’s southern-most trail run - Rakiura Challenge traverses 32km through Rakiura National Park starting at Horseshoe Bay a…
Central Sports Coordinator
Community Trust South provided total funding of $589,357, to all 95 primary, intermediate and secondary schools in the Trust’s are…
Waihopi Rūnaka
“Ka Tū Te Tītī – the return home” Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu held their bi-annual Hui-ā-Iwi in Invercargill from 22-24 November 2019.…
Shakira Mirfin
2019 was a particularly impressive year for junior rower Shakira Mirfin. Winning a national title in the under 17 girls single scu…
Meggy Bartlett-McBride
At Community Trust South we want to support communities and to welcome and respond to our region’s increasingly diverse population…
Caroline Loo
The Loss and Grief Centre aligns with the Trust’s focus on supporting the wellbeing of people in our region through prevention and…
Mairi Dickson
Passion and perseverance are key characteristics of the Committee of Switzers Museum (Waikaia). Their commitment to their vision h…
John Steele
John is a 17 year-old wrestler from Waikaka. He recently travelled to America with the NZ Development wrestling team, where he had…
Aimee Kaio
Innovation is risky and takes courage. It doesn’t always turn out the way you think it will. Community Trust South invested over…
Caroline Dore
The Nattering Knitter has volunteers all over the world that knit peggy squares that are made into special Hug Rugs, which go to p…
Greg Wilson
We believed in this project right from the beginning, fully funding the first beacons in 1996 with a grant of $260,000. It is est…
Anna Rankin
We were a founding funder of this exciting programme and have invested over $500k so far – to date the programme has produced 7 Ol…
Emma Cumming
We established the Sport Scholarship programme in 2001 for elite amateur athletes and officials to celebrate achievement, recognis…
Dean Whaanga
Built in the early 2000’s Te Rau Aroha Marae in Bluff is the southern most marae in New Zealand. It is unique with its beautiful …
David Luoni
Clematis Cottage has been restored to its former glory and has been established as the Mataura Museum. The cottage brings to life…
Colin Ballantyne
In 1996 when the region was experiencing an economic down turn, we created the Amenities Grants scheme. Funding of $2 million was…
Charlie Davis
We appreciate the importance of preserving our region’s history. Thousands of dollars have been poured into heritage projects thr…
Janice Lee
Koha Kai aims to 'encourage a life of purpose' for people who are isolated by disability. Since inception in 2015, we have been a…
Greta Buckingham
Good things take time. We were a faithful supporter of this ambitious project back in 2005, appreciating the vision for potential…
Michelle Dawson
Since 2005 we have been funding the C S Arts Charitable Trust. The weekly classes have helped to encourage and nurture the artisti…
Grant Dickson
From 60 exhibitors 35 years ago to 800 in 2018, the Southern Field Days is the biggest agricultural event in the South Island. We …
Rebecca Amundsen
We stepped into the unknown, approving over $3 million in 2001 towards the Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) Zero Fees scheme…
Jasmine Hepi
Lives have been changed and students have hope and a plan for their future. Community Trust South has funded the NCEA4U programme …
Jenny Mitchell
Jenny Mitchell is an award-winning Southland singer/songwriter. She is the inaugural recipient of our Create fund. Create – An Ar…
Jim Geddes
Jim Geddes is a man of great mana and vision. We have been privileged to partner with Jim on numerous projects in Eastern Southlan…
Jo Massey
Since 2006 we have provided funding support for the Roving Museum Officer role in Southland. In this unique role, Roving Museum O…
Jon Spraggon
We were approached to help save the golf club from losing their land. They were paying an annual lease which was beyond them. A co…
Bronnie Grant
The Gore Kids Hub took collaboration to a whole new level. Three individual organisations coming together striving for something …
John McGrath - Back Country Foods
Back Country Foods is an iconic New Zealand outdoor adventure food brand based in Invercargill and producing premier freeze-dried …
Damien Johnson
We have had the privilege of walking alongside Southland disAbility Enterprises as it has grown from a small operation to the mult…
Dr Kiri Diack
We have funded over $1 million to the Murihiku Health Scholarship programme endeavouring to fill gaps in the health workforce by p…
Kim Spencer-McDonald
We support Community Worker roles in and around Western, Northern, Central Southland and Fiordland, acknowledging the pivotal role…
Lesley du Mez
Preserving a Category 1 historic building is an achievement in itself, but when the building continues to function as a centre for…
Luke & Jo Horrell
Luke’s Mum Jo Horrell is a big fan of fluro vests for kids. We supported Road Safety Southland’s initiative in 2005 to provide a f…
Pauline Smith
Miharo (previously Murihiku Maori and Pasifika Cultural Trust) lives and breathes their vision to uplift and celebrate Maori and P…
Michael Hogan - Shearing Sports NZ
The grant of over $4 million to Stadium Southland was one of the largest grants we ever made. More than just a facility, Stadium S…
Peter Atkinson
We were one of the major investors in the Queenstown trails with grants totaling $1.5 million. This network of trails has evolved …
Graham Dick
The Invercargill Garrison Band has been promoting and teaching brass music in the south for over 150 years. The band received the…