We provide this funding to all 95 primary, intermediate and secondary schools in our area so school students are supported to achieve their potential.
The fund is made up of three parts:
Part A
Enables students experiencing financial hardship to participate in school activities.
Part B
Supports schools to raise student achievement, address inequalities and/or reduce barriers to participation across specific education, sport, art and culture priorities of the Trust.
Part C
Enables schools and students in isolated areas to have equity of opportunity to take part in educational, sporting and cultural opportunities.
Total Fund: $600,000 per annum
Principals Discretionary Fund - Snapshot
The following snapshots highlight the activities funding, the number of students benefiting and outcomes achieved from the Fund.
In 2019, the Trust commissioned, in partnership with the Koha Kai Charitable Trust, an external evaluation to identify and document the outcomes associated with Koha Kai and to support Koha Kai to become more sustainable.
Community Trust South has been a significant funder of Koha Kai since 2017, initially through its Innovation Fund and more recently through general granting.
Community Trust South would like to acknowledge the support of Janice Lee, her team and all the trainees, whānau and stakeholders who participated in this evaluation.
Thank you also to Sue Quinn of Te Pūtahitanga and her evaluation team for the work on this report.
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