The Nattering Knitter: Caroline Dore

Caroline Dore 1

The Nattering Knitter has volunteers all over the world that knit peggy squares that are made into special Hug Rugs, which go to people in need. We are proud to support this very worthwhile community project and continues to be hugely impressed by the community cohesion that has developed as a result of very small beginnings.


“We hope the Hug Rugs fill people with happiness and joy and the knowledge that someone cares enough to make them for them in the first place.

I don’t actually get to see a lot of the gifting done, because I give them to the agencies and they hand them out, so I don’t get to see it. But the other day I was doing Meals On Wheels around Gore and three people had my Hug Rugs on their knees when I went in to give them their meals. That was one of those hallelujah moments, where I got to talk about it with them and they were so appreciative of them and they loved them and they used them every day. It was one of those beautiful moments.”

Caroline Dore

The Nattering Knitter